We discuss how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting our lives and try to predict what things will be like when the bars finally reopen.
Also: favorite record producers (Martin Birch, Mutt Lange, Todd Rundgren, etc.), Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia, the insanity and brilliance of Phil Spector, copyright issues on YouTube, and Elvis Presley’s ’68 Comeback Special.

Show notes
- John Lennon recording vocals for “Gimme Some Truth” and getting pissed off while recording vocals for “Oh Yoko”
- John Lennon on how Phil Spector lost his mind and ran off with his recording session tapes
- Al Pacino as Phil Spector
- Todd Rungren talks Skylarking and XTC
- British guitarist analyses Elvis Presley’s ‘Fakery’
- George Harrison on meeting Elvis Presley the second time at Madison Square Garden
- Elvis Presley: The Searcher — HBO Documentary