Well, we are back! (Chad jogged)
A HUGE success in Yankee-land and beyond.
Kicked off on a Wednesday night in a sweet red Pinto (w/ roof-rack) and drove straight to Bean-town. We stayed in the Boxborough Grand Hotel, don’t look it up. It is there and it RULES!
We panhandled in Boston that Friday night and Saturday, we played Copperfields w/ four SMOKIN’ bands from the SHITE-N-ONIONS vol 2. Wanna thank the Gobshites, the Ruffians, Three Day Threshold, and the Pubcrawlers for being so bleedin’ LOONEY! Serious craic, so check em ooot! Well done Mr. Murphy (hope yer outta the hospital).
Next day we arrived in Long Beach, NY @ The Inn. This place is worth the trip to Long Island all by itself! Pete runs one of the greatest pubs in all the universe… staff, grub-n-gargle = TOP DRAWER! Tim runs the sound and even made Turi mosh! (a bit) Hats off to Tim. The greatest crew, hands down.
Off to Boston we go (again? Yip, good tour manager) That Monday, we played the Purple Shamrock. KILLER crowd and crappy weather. Good to see Boston upright.(nevermind)
Off again to New York… (JOKE?! No, really) “Where is that Hopie you speak of?” If you have ever dared to dream of the perfect boozer… Try the world famous Paddy Reilly’s in Manhattan… 1000 Guinness taps and NOTHING else! The owner, Cavan’s own Steve Duggan alongside (harder workers) Rayleen, Martha and Moose will make you right at home. Cheers you all!!
Now to Philly and enter the World of Pubs known as KILDARES! Some of the best looking Irish pubs I’ve EVER been thrown out of… Owner Dave McGrogan is a Pogues fan and that’s all I have to say.

Right before hitting the road back to Houston we paid a visit to Brian’s cousins April and Phil Margera, who came out to our show the night before. April graciously took us on a tour of BAM‘s house (what a scene!), and fortunately we evaded the JACKASS film crew in the process (the Margeras never know when they’re going to turn up). BIG thanks to April and Phil!

So to wrap up the most words I will ever hammer out, thank you all for showing up. And the biggest thanks to me Ma for coming in from Dublin (LOVE YA MA!), Mark and Ariana coming in from Italy and Meath, Andrew and Stephanie appearing from San Fran, and Brad and Diane who surprised us all by showing up with the WHOLE FAMILY from Houston!
NOT forgetting: Tim and Sinead, J.B. and Brid, Ron and Mary Ann Vogel (best digz anywhere), Jeff, Radar, Piper, the “Mayor”, the Inn Dancers (you know who you are), TWIG, Justin Fowler, Dave McGrogan, Pete and Tim (see you in October), John Murphy, and Brian for non-stop Butthead “Uhhuh huh”s.
See you all sooner that you deserve.
Paddy O’Coma.
Hey Blaggards,
I emailed with Chad and he last said he was downloading The Inn set. I personally have to say it came out great! If you have it…. figure out a way to post for the the fans…otherwise I can resent it. Its been on my iPod since. Looking foward to the next Blaggards trip N.E. you never know I might make Austin.